Monday, January 16, 2012

Author Self Branding And Book Promotion: Claim Your Name For Online Success Ecourse Day 2

In the last segment we talked about what self-branding can do for you as an author.  In this segment we are going to go over some of basic branding techniques that you can use to make your career as an more successful.

As we discussed in the last segment, branding is all about how your customers perceive you--and make no mistake about it, if you are an author trying to promote yourself and your books, you are in business and in need of customers to buy your products.  There is no room for egotism, elitist attitudes and intellectual snobbery in today's publishing world!  No offense intended, but these days, authors, traditionally published, self-published and those published by the dozens of upstart vanity and epublishing houses are a dime a dozen. Although the online world has made it easier for authors to connect and gain a following, the competition for sales is more difficult than it has ever been--and there is more chaff than ever mingled in with the wheat! You can tell yourself, "Oh no. I'm an author and think you are above promotion and marketing and having and pleasing customers, but if you do, you will either fail miserably, or prevail against all odds.

So from now on I will speak of this exactly as if I were being consulted by a business wanting to build their brand.

Think of it this way. Your brand is the promise that you make to your customers. The ultimate goal is to spark an emotional connection with your customer in order to create a positive feeling resulting in loyalty to you and your books.

It's a proven fact that most customers hold true to products they enjoy. It is very common for a customer to be so impressed with a brand that they continue to buy a product simply based on the brand. That is the ultimate goal. You want to create these feelings of loyalty, so it will bring your customers back for more.

Did you know that building a solid brand has a lot to do with the mission and vision of your company.

The mission and vision of your company should uphold excellence in providing a quality product to your customers. These mission statements should include the ultimate goals you wish to achieve with in your endeavors. Many companies focus their vision or mission on their employees while others extend their mission outward to the customers. Ultimately there should be a fine mix of both.

Many customers don't read your vision or mission statement. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't take it seriously. Your vision and mission are both a part of the branding process because they define what your company is all about. These two statements need to be believed and practiced by employees and all staff of the company.

A big part of creating a brand for your books and your career as an author is proving to the customers why your books are the best to buy. Differentiation takes place here but you need to prove the benefits to the consumers. Determine why your books are the ones that make it worth your customer's while to part with their hard earned cash.  Is it writing style, plot, research, genre, sub-genre, author credentials or some other quality?  In the case of self and vanity published authors, are your books as well edited as those that are traditionally published by Random House, Penguin Books, Avon and the other big name publishers? You will have a very hard time establishing a brand if you cannot determine the benefits of your products or services.

Branding is about customer’s perception. When you want to create a brand you want to create a perception of the customer that you are the best, provide quality, provide a personal connection, or some other compelling reason to make them want to give you a chance and purchase that first book from you.

If you are unsure what the customers think of you then put up sample chapters, and plan on giving away full samples of some of your books.  Solicit feedback and reviews.  Find out why people really want to buy your books--or why you need to go back to the drawing board and make some changes. These types of things can help you figure out exactly how your customers will perceive your product before you go into full scale marketing mode. It is okay if it is bad today, because it will give you a chance to head off trouble later.

Make sure you look for your next segment soon. We will be talking about why your audience is everything when it comes to branding your business.

Smiles and Good Fortune,
Teresa Thomas Bohannon

It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s
dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965) Of Human Bondage, 1915

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