Saturday, January 14, 2012

Claim Your Name - Author Self Branding And Book Promotion For Online Success Ecourse Day 1

Welcome to our complimentary eCourse  for Authors, Claim Your Name - Self Branding For
Online Success.

In each segment of Self Branding For Success you will learn valuable information on how you can successfully brand yourself and your name for maximum success.

In this first segment we are going to talk about what branding is and what it can do for your career as an author.

Branding is all about image. The concept doesn't only include style, emblems and logos, but also the image of perceived quality. The perceived image may be of total quality, reliability, and more.

Branding is also about your style of writing and the genre in which you write and how you are different. The purpose of a brand is to distinguish yourself from everyone else. Once you make a distinguishing impact then your promotion and advertising campaigns will be much more effective.

The success of your career as an author can often be determined by your brand. Branding includes many factors that will help you make your career more successful. These factors may include a website, marketing efforts such as social networking and anything that enhances and distinguishes you as an author, your books and your online "in particular" identity. There is a huge degree of competition out there for the consumers time and attention and the fact of the matter is, people want to purchase books and other products from a name they know, like and trust.

All authors, new and established should develop and organized strategy for self-branding. Both new authors and those that are more established benefit through branding methods. In the end, you are all competing for the same market, i.e. readers.  It is common for new authors to grow discouraged and even fail due to a lack of understanding about the importance and factors of developing a good brand.

Branding ensures professionalism. It seals the deal on the entire package.  A new author with a good self-branding campaign behind them looks almost as good as a well established author when they practice the right techniques. Building a brand will enhance your confidence as an author and instill confidence in the consumers eyes as well. It will encourage them to take that first step, and give you a chance as an author who is worth their entertainment dollars.

Branding also offers consistency for you as an author. Consistency can be performed through the use of things like business cards, trading cards, sample chapters, signed commemorative items and other mementos that help the consumer to feel a human connection. Consistency includes visibility techniques that are professional and will remain in the memory of a consumer.

If you can successfully develop a brand for yourself and your books, using the right ideas to motivate and excite consumers then whenever people want what you have to offer they'll think of you first!

Be sure to join us for the next segment. We will be talking about basic branding techniques that you can use to make your career as an author more successful.

Thank you again for joining,

Smiles and Good Fortune,
Teresa Thomas Bohannon

It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s
dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965) Of Human Bondage, 1915

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